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The Importance of Good Sleeping Posture
Good posture not only applies to when you are sitting and standing, but also applies to when you are sleeping. Good sleeping posture allows your back to relax and heal. There are three things that can help you obtain the best sleeping posture: your mattress, pillow and body alignment. When it comes to your mattress, you should choose one that provides support to the natural curves of your body. We can help recommend a good mattress for you! We are partners with Tempurpedic and can save you some money if you are looking to buy a Tempurpedic Mattress. Your pillow should be one that keeps your head in line with your lower back. Regardless of what position you sleep in, try to keep your ears, shoulders, and hips all aligned! For more information, click here.

“I’ve been seeing Tiffany for 4 years now for deep tissue work. She is phenomenal. Kis is great and always gets me on the schedule!” – Nancy Harrison

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